Scott Page was talking about his 200 kilometre charity run from Braidwood to Cobargo utilising the WD Tarlinton Track pioneered by his forebears, the great pioneers William Tarlinton and “Super” Sutherland.
Scott said, “Traditionally, local horse-riding groups maintained it by way of use, but with restrictions now on this land the last 20 years has seen a degradation of the track. Motivated by this, we, the descendants of these great pioneers and legends have decided to run/trek/swim from Braidwood to Cobargo following the original pathways.
In doing so we will bring awareness to the track from a slightly different perspective. Our goal is to showcase multi-use options (horse-riding, trekking, running) for the future so that these tracks remain with us forever”.
Access for All (AFA) members Mackenzie and Clayton O’Brien ran all the way with Scott from 21 – 25 September.
Scott Page, Gold Coast ultra-marathon runner, speaking at BDHS Annual Dinner.